Not far from our site near Valkenburg is the city of Maastrict - famous for a certain treaty.
Despite the rain, we drove to the P+R Noord and jumped on the bus which took us into the centre. Most of the cities we have visited have Park and Ride and it makes life so easy, especially if you have a travel card (OV ChipKaart).
Maastrict has many old buildings including churches, town/city hall and museums.
However, it is also a mecca for shopping. With several modern shopping centres and a myriad of narrow streets with hundreds of shops, cafes, bars and restaurants. There are several squares all surrounded with more bars, cafes and restaurants.

This city is definitely worth a visit. Here I finally managed to try kibbling - which is deep fried pieces of white fish and it is delicious. When ordering I was asked (in Dutch) which sauce I would like - I replied in English "Which is the best" She said she would give me the best and she did - tasted very similar to tartare but much nicer!

No day out would be complete without the traditional ice cream!
Christina was delighted to find her favourite blue "Smurf" banana flavoured ice cream and even more smitten with the pink cone!
Our day out in Maastrict marked our final stop during an amazing time in the Netherlands. I will definitely be back as there is so much I didn't get to see. Especially, places such as Arnhem (2 attempts affected either by weather or cancelled trains); Leeuwarden, Texel Island and I could go on...
Next stop France!