The other side of Bartheleuse island offered views of Villeneuve Les Avignon, which looked like an easier walk than it turned out to be.  Usually, when we go off for a wander I take the buggy for Christina, however today I decided to let her take her scooter.  What a mistake!  Villeneuve Les Avignon is a medieval town with a huge fort built at the top of the hill the town is built on.  This meant steep, cobbly and windy alleys/roads to negotiate.Despite all this it was definitely worth the effort and we had a lovely time wandering around the town. 
As I discovered with many attractions in France, the opening times don't always fit it with our plans.  The fort didn't open until after 2pm and there was also a very noisy junior school group having a picnic waiting for it to open.  Feeling peckish we went off for a wander back down into the town, investigating the other side of the hill.  There are several places to visit in Villeneuve Les Avignon - including the Chartreuse, fort, bell tower and many churches.
During our wanderings we found a boulangerie/patisserie open and tried a French sausage roll and delicious cookie.  Unfortunately, Christina was not so keen on the sausage roll!

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