Next door to the Cite Du Train is the Eletropolis Museum.  Here we learnt how electricity was discovered, how it has been developed and looking towards future sources and sustainability.

One of the highlights of our visit was attending a fabulous live show where the lady presenting showed us how electricity worked.  She was also explaining at the same time, but my French isn't that good, but I did manage to explain some parts of the demonstrations to Christina.  She now knows what electricity actually looks like and I think she has some understanding of how it all works.
Part of the museum has an original steam turbine which you can see working, it is huge and the cinema experience of short videos explaining how it works, and the human side to creating electricity a long time ago is brilliant.  Cleverly, they have a set of headphones where you press a button for your language - thus enabling us to fully understand what was being explained.
An incredibly educational and well thought out museum, with lots of interactive experiments for youngsters.  Even at 4 years Christina was fascinated by the experiments and had great fun being part of an electric circuit.

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