Our adventure began in France once we left Maastrict.  A long and wet drive to Epinal in France.  We clocked up 4 countries on the drive down:
During the drive through torrential rain and busy roads - one of my headlights decided to give up!
At a much needed stop at services in Luxembourg - I tried and failed to get the bulb out to change it!  I will never understand why car manufacturers put so much engine stuff around the access area to the bulbs!  Especially, as this is a routine fix needed!
Although visibility was good and I drove most of the way with side lights, nightfall fell and I had to risk putting full beam on.  My biggest fear was being stopped by the local Gendarmerie and being given an on the spot fine.  I researched what I must have on board for each of the countries we are visiting and I have plenty of spare bulbs - I just wasn't sure how understanding a French traffic officer would be to my plight!​​​​​​​
We arrived at the campsite in Epinal in torrential rain, missed reception by about 30mins and followed the instructions to find a spot and register when it opens.
Well.. the signs said it would be open at 10am - it wasn't!
We had showers on and off all day - I wasn't happy to go off for a wander without registering and paying.  My concern fueled by at least half dozen signs stating the importance of registering with identification, payment and police check.  During the early part of the day several other campers and caravans arrived.
Eventually, a rather scruffy, bearded and aromatic chap turned up and I finally registered and paid!  This was also the first campsite who wanted to see my ACSI discount card - which would you believe has become illusive.  I have looked everywhere and do you think I can find it - no - not even in a space the size of Nemo!
I'm sure it will turn up!
I would also like to thank my Dutch neighbour who saw me struggling to change my bulb - he managed to get the blown one out and made sure I fitted the new one ok!  He was lovely and I shall be forever grateful!​​​​​​​

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